Tag Archives: private investigators
New Technologies Used In NYC Private Investigations

private investigators NYCThis information is brought to you by Investigations.com, a Private Investigator NYC company.

When the phrase “private investigator” is mentioned, most people probably immediately picture a stoic, keenly observant Sherlock Holmes-esque figure who has a natural gift of blending with his environment and making himself as clandestine as possible. Well, with today’s robust advancements in private investigator technologies, this archetypical symbol for private investigation could soon take a back seat.

Private Investigation Exhibits the Best Synergy with Technology

In most large, advanced cities like New York, for instance, veteran PIs have been interviewed about making the most out of what technology offers when it comes to employing surveillance and advanced spying tools in the Big Apple.

One of the most important factors, for instance, when it comes to shooting videos is their quality. Presently, a lot of PIs prefer to shoot their videos in HD with their high-tech camcorders because they won’t settle for nothing less than crystal-clear footage when it comes to a profession that calls for clear, lucid evidence. Nowadays, private investigators could even provide their clients with actual live footage from streaming videos with the aid of technology.

Vehicle tracking is also one effective surveillance technique that has since become a staple in the field of private investigation. It has proven to be a good way of preventing car theft and car hacking because of the potent GPS accuracy it has as well as its easy methods for concealment (every new model is becoming smaller with every release). What’s good is that it’s not showing signs of stopping any time soon, as most experts in the field have noticed. What’s equally better about vehicle tracking is that it is all the more effective in highly vehicle-dense cities like New York.

Camouflage is also not without improvements. For instance, a lot of PIs are now able to install small, hidden cameras in innocuous, everyday objects like drinking cans, sunglasses, and watches, to name a few. GPS trackers have also proven to revolutionize private investigation because, with it, PIs no longer have to actively watch their client targets all the time (also known as stakeouts). This is because most GPS trackers are able to operate 24/7 and could serve as the ever-watchful eye of investigators even if their attention is elsewhere.

However, the real game changer is arguably when the use of drones was introduced. While this is a sensitive issue to tackle because of the privacy issues that it brings up, some private investigative firms have admitted to using drones. They can readily attest to the efficacy of such tools when it comes to surveying remote locations, and a lot of them are not that difficult to use as well. Most drones have proven to be hard to detect too, making them valuable assets in just about any type of investigation.

With the vigorous improvements and enhancements being introduced in private investigation technology on an almost regular basis, the future is certainly looking bright for the PI business. One can’t really deny the fact that private investigation is certainly one field that could benefit the most out of technology.

Who knows how the business would evolve ten years from now?

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