Best Scheduling Software For Wedding Entertainers

The entertainment industry can have some very unique services available for hire. “Balloon-Shaper Extraordinaire available for parties!”, or “Juggling Inferno wedding entertainers for hire!”. Those are some very specific message to get across to a very specific group of people. In the position of the entertainer, how would you possibly get your message to your potential clients? Fortunately, there’s software that can help with situations just like these.

As a stand-alone entertainment performance, you may want to consider joining a broader entertainment company to increase your publicity, or even start your own company with multiple performances and clients. Keeping track of so many different talents, dates, and individuals can be an ominous task without the right tools, however.

wedding-planningAmong the top-most used programs are titles such as:

  • Fleetmatics Work
  • FieldAware
  • Jobber
  • Planday
  • Booker
  • mHelpDesk.

Each of these pieces of software are designed to make sure your clients and your company member can stay in sync with one another, no matter how many changes to schedules or needs occur along the way. These kinds of software emphasize communication and organizational tools that make for a simple, but highly effective ways of staying in touch with all of your potential clients, and to know exactly when any given member of your company is available to assist those clients with whatever their needs may be.

But what if you’re not looking to start a company? What if you’d prefer to keep your act or service as an individual or small group, but still want to get your services out to a specific group of people? While there are few downloadable software packages for this task, there are many websites online designed for the exact purpose of helping clients find specific services, and for those services to find clients as well. In the case of our “Juggling Inferno wedding entertainers for hire!”, the performers may wish to seek and contact members of sites such as or to connect with people dedicated to serving clients in that niche.

Of course, if neither of those options work for you, another great way to get exposure that’s often overlooked is social media outlets. Something as simple as a Facebook page, a YouTube channel, or a LinkedIn profile, can be an excellent way to connect and build a contacts list that revolves around you or your group’s skill set, no matter how specific or broad it may be.

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